As of today, I am continuing my efforts to get the layout and elements of by website completed. I signed up for my SmugMug account roughly two weeks ago and have been tirelessly researching how to create certain looks, understanding CSS & HTML, and aligning frames to my liking. I've pulled a few hairs out but fortunately, SmugMug has lived up to it's name and philosophy of being there to help you along and those hairs have grown back (Thank you Barb!).
I suppose a little background on me is due. My name is Anthony and once upon a time, in what seems like a long time ago, while in high school I had developed a passion for black and white photography. I spent most of my free time hanging around the art department and had managed to learn some of the basics before I was able to officially take the photography class. I obtained a Pentax K1000 (Which I still own and still use on occasion) and through books and help from the teachers at the school I learned about the different ways to control exposure, how to develop black and white film and then how to make the prints in the dark-room. I got involved with the school paper and even managed to become the youngest Photo Editor at the school (although I had no idea what I was doing or real direction). I had aspirations to become a photojournalist and travel the world taking pictures.
Well that all came to a halt with one signature. The Art Department Chairman was also the student advisor to the high school Stage Crew and needed one more signature to keep the club official. In an instant I became treasurer of the Stage Crew. When I lived in the Bronx, I had seen some of the older kids working the sound and lighting for the Intermediate School I was attending. I wasn't allowed to work with them because, one, I wasn't old enough yet, and two, the teachers pretty much hinted it was reserved for 'problem' kids. Well now, two years later, not only was I instantly in the club, I was an officer. It also helped that a kid I was starting to know was also on the crew. I immediately took a liking to it and became heavily involved. What photography?
Fast forward a few years and I discovered that really loved evoking emotion through lighting for theatrical productions and soon discovered that I could actually make a living doing it. While I would also set up sound for some of the sporting events at the school, I mostly focused on lighting for the drama club productions. During my senior year of high school I had begun a search for the right college with the right Lighting Design program. A member of the tech team from a visiting theater company at the high school introduced me to a small conservatory college in North Carolina, North Carolina School Of The Arts (Now called University Of North Carolina School Of The Arts) and I dragged my parents to North Carolina to check it out and interview for the school. I was accepted on the spot and much to my parents surprise, I made my decision.
I completed my studies at North Carolina School Of The Arts and graduated as a Theatrical Lighting Designer and returned back to NY City to begin my career. After many shows, I decided to get away from the cold and to find work in Corporate Theater where I figured a steady paycheck and shows with larger budgets would be a good idea. I had also gotten my motorcycle and wanted to ride throughout the year instead of only a few months out of the year. This is how I ended up working in Palm Springs, CA where I currently run the lighting department for a small production company.
So, for the past few years I have had an itch to get back into photography and after careful research, I recently purchased a new Canon 40D. 6000+ images later, I can't stop grinning ear to ear.
In getting back into photography, I have realized how much my Lighting Design skills can apply to photography and that it could be possible to make a little side money to pay for my re-kindled hobby. So I've been getting myself organized, learning basic Photoshop skills, and taking lots of photos.
I created IMAGES BY DeMEGLIO to represent not only my Photography but my Lighting Designs as well. Once I primarily get the site to where I like it, then It will be time to go through my photos and start uploading them.
In the mean time, I do have some photos up, including this one, which the local paper, The Desert Sun, used for a brief in their local section.

There will be plenty more to come!
Take care and thank you for stopping by!
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