Last week ended up being fairly busy for me. I finished processing the remaining photos that I took of the El Dorado Desert Rock Festival which took a little longer than planned because I was experimenting with upload sizes. It turns out that if I upload the files below a certain size, my web host won't allow me to sell my small downloads. With that, I had to re-upload all of the galleries for the bands.
I managed to finish just in time to head out for my Metromix assignment for the weekend, the 2009 White Party over at the Palm Springs Convention Center. The folks at the party told the Metromix producers it would be happening at 9PM but unfortunately, that was not the case. On the plus size, since I was there and had a experience shooting concerts, I was asked if I wanted to shoot some photos of the evenings star performer, "Lady Gaga", for the Associated Press. Who was I to say no? While Lady G managed to stall her start to an early 1:30 AM (or maybe it was a little later) and we could only shoot for the first two songs, we both stuck it out and in the end I was really happy with the photos.
By the time I backed up all of the photos from the evening and gone through, processed the photos of Lady Gaga and uploaded them to my website, it was about 5AM. Just in time to take a four hour nap before my busy Easter Sunday.

I was happy to see by the next day, not only had the AP picked up the photos, but several papers across the U.S. grabbed them for their websites. Here is a link to the Orange County Register's website. I have to say it's really cool to see my photo and name credited with the AP. The Washington Post and a couple of others also used some of my shots. I'm pretty happy with the photos, a little to much noise for my taste, but overall ok.
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