This time around, there was enough ambient light to see what color I was putting onto the flash and easily get rid of the one's I didn't like. Here are samples of what I ended up with. There is no editing to the photo other than minor adjustments to levels (Exposure, Recovery, Fill, Blacks, Brightness, and contrast). All colors were Apollo Gel from Apollo Design Technology, inc.

Purple - A Favorite (it also results in good black and white conversions)

Yellow - Another Favorite


Cyan - Ehh... Not too bad

Blue - was really a hard read and I did adjust how the color was translated.

Blue to Black & White Conversion.

Red - I think. Red was a hard color to work with but I haven't given up on it yet.

There are plenty more colors for me to try in the future and as I try them, I'll share them with you.
Take care for now!
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