Yesterday, I went mountain biking for the first time in a really long time. Something I've been promising my brother I would do once I got a bicycle helmet (The last time I really rode bicycles, there weren't bicycle helmets). Well, my cousin visited last month and was nice enough to purchase a helmet and left it for me. You would think that for my first time we would go for a nice easy ride. Yeah right. The climb up was painful. I thought I was going to pass out, throw-up, and or have a heart attack... several times. The ride down, painful, but only because I crashed into a bush that happened to be on the ground. I'm not really complaining though. I had fun and while I probably walked most of the time, I spent that time with my brother. Something that I take for granted. It's always work work work and now I've realized that work is just something you do to pay the bills. What is important is the time you spend with your friends and loved one's. If only I realized that eight and a half years ago, I may have not devoted as much time to my job as I had.
After my ride, I took some time to help my friend, Richard Byford of Byway Entertainment, out and take some photos of him for a
website he is working on. Richard has been making a large effort to show that even in the event industry, they can do their part to help the environment. It was nice spending time with him and catching up on things. Richard is a very hard worker and you would never believe how, eh hem, how old (or young?) he is. Sadly, as hard as he works, I don't feel that he gives himself enough "Richard" time and I wish I could get him to realize that it's ok to put the phone down after normal work hours, sit down, grab a drink and relax for a few hours. The work will be there tomorrow.
In the Special Events business or theatre or show business there is no such thing as "normal" working hours. What we do is a way of life not a job and so we
never think about time or day of the week.
Sorry got to go - the phone's ringing!!!
Byway Entertainment
::Sigh:: You are correct for us back stage, there is always work to do but it's ok to not answer the phone at 8:00 PM if you aren't on show site and are home. That's what voice mail is for. It allows you to screen your calls and decide if something is truly that urgent or if it can be taken care of first thing in the morning. I can't tell you how many times I would get a call late night because someone realized they needed to add a light to an order that wasn't getting picked up for another three days. Clearly, something that could have waited until the morning.
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