Saturday, September 4, 2010

A good man.

Milen wasn't just an extremely fast motorcycle rider on and off the track.  He was, as my brother put it, a humble rider.  He wasn't the guy looking to prove himself as the better rider or person for that matter.  He truly loved riding and was extremely passionate about it.  That's not all, he was a great guy that would help his friends out without ever thinking about it or expecting anything in return.  He was someone you could count on.

This afternoon, I received the sad news that my dear friend was tragically killed while riding of all things, his bicycle.  He wasn't doing anything stupid and he wasn't taking unnecessary risks, he was riding in the bike lane with the company of another friend when a driver struck him from behind.

We will all miss our dear friend and as my wife consoled me, he's currently riding the most challenging and fun track in the sky and looking down with us with that big smile.

Love you like a brother....

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