Well, it may have worked fine except, this was my first time to Glamis (for those of you who don't know, it's a big sandbox for those who like to drive their sand-rails, quads and dirt bikes in, well, the sand) and it wasn't like I expected. My new friends provided me with a quad and we left base camp to drive basically across a big empty desert. Every once in a while you would see other riders but pretty much we were apparently heading to a particular spot with no intention of stopping in between. The only time we stopped for any period of time was when I got stuck. It gets better, just when we were about to reach our destination, which apparently was "Oldsmobile Hill", a rather tall 'hill' that everyone would brave riding up and then coming back down, I had a little accident. I won't get into it here because you can get the full story in my gallery.
Well, once we made it to base camp and I was recovering, I heard a dirt bike outside and just as I peaked out the window of the trailer I saw Frank Mills jumping the small hill behind the camp ground.

I took many more photos than I had originally planed but I couldn't help it! I had switched to the high end zoom lens I rented and had to take many steps back because I was to close! Afterward, I showed him a few of the pictures on the back of the camera and told him how much it would be for the CD and he seemed excited about it. By the time he had come back that night, I sorted through the photos and got rid of the bad ones and created a quick slide show in LightRoom. When he came into the trailer, I had turned the screen around on my tablet so that the keyboard was behind and him and his friends seemed to really like the photos. It felt good. He didn't and as of this writing hasn't purchased any photos but that's ok because it felt good to see the excitement in his face and it made me realize that I'm doing the right thing. The pictures are still posted here for him or anyone to buy.
I would love to keep going but I'm already a half hour behind on my chores for the weekend. The parents are visiting for the holidays and this bachelor pad needs some work! Tune in soon for pictures from by brother and me at Stone Mountain Racetrack for a track day with Socal Track Days this past December 7th, 2008. Happy Holidays!
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