Saturday, February 7, 2009

Things to come

Hi! I know, I know, I'm a slacker. What can I say? I'm still getting into the swing of this blogging thing. I am getting much better at posting photos though. I've added two new main galleries, "Lighting Design" and "People".

I've decided that I'm going to post the photos that I have taken of shows that I have done the lighting for in the "Lighting Design" galleries and have sub categorized those shows into several different genres. It's an opportunity for me to show you my lighting designs and photography all in one place.

In the "People" gallery, I'm currently going to sub categorize into three groups. People at work, people that work with me at The Show Factory, Inc (TSFI) and people having fun.

I've also decided that I'm going to go ahead and start a new category within the next couple of days for a project I conceived recently. As of right now I'm going to call it "Around Town". Within that category, you'll find galleries of photos that I will take at bars and clubs around the Coachella Valley. I'll be hanging around having a good time and of course, I'll have my camera with me. I'll post the pictures that I take up on the site and you'll be able to purchase them for a few bucks (Someone has to pay for my beer!). I'll be posting my first set up within a few days from tonight's adventure at the Firehouse Grill in Palm Desert with the Michael James Band.

Let me know what you think of the idea!

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